Tuesday, July 2, 2024

HQ Celebrations of Love #7 with EWA themes plus option Retirement event AND #6 Bragging Rights

  Heartwarming Wishes for #7 Competition

Heart's Quest Celebrations of Love Challenges blog or HQCOLCB

<3 ** <3 ** <3 ** <3

*Themes each month are open to: Engagements, Weddings, and Anniversaries. (EWA) 


*An optional celebration theme will be be offered each month. 

July 2024's #7 optional celebration theme is 'work retirement/pension'.


Formats: cards, gift tags, gift card/money holders, package toppers, scrapbook/journal/TN layouts


Competitions will start on the 2nd day of each month and end on the last day per month.

July 2-31, 2024 will be competition #7.


Design Inspiration:

from Guest DT (May 2024 #5 Cupid's Best EWA Pick) is

Elle-jeanne= choosing to do a pension/retirement for the #7 option theme

her blog address:


Merci, Elle-jeanne!!! Your pension retirement card looks like framed art in a tropical resort hotel!! A very relaxing way to celebrate one's work retirement!


from owner Becca S:

#7 EWA theme = A : anniversary shaped card 1

for special friends Jennifer and Leon

*she had lots of pink roses and bridesmaids (I was one) wearing pink


anniversary shaped card 2

for brother and sister-in-law

*my SIL's favorite color is blue


Project #3: work retirement card

Share some celebration love this month at HQCOLCB!



Bragging Rights from #6 June 2-30, 2024

There were 14 total projects submitted for #6!!

Cupid's Pick of Best E.W.A. Project is #13 by Marie F!


(Guest Invite for #8 August 2nd if you'd like to accept. Email message to me/Becca at questbybecca@gmail.com)

(your bragging right badge)

project photo:

Awesome wedding congratulations card, Marie F!!


Cupid's Pick of Best  2024 Theme Option (Patriotic) Project was made by #14 Deanne! 


(your bragging right badge)


Entry #14  by Deanne  =

Deanne's showing her pride in Canada with a treat box!


Cupid's Picks of Top 3 

Congratulations go to these wonderful artisans: !!!

(badge for copying/pasting to recognizer's blogs)

entry #2 by Nicolette   = 

such a sweet tag to celebrate love!


entry #8 by Kathy K =

terrific CAS style contemporary anniversary card!


entry #11 by Valerie  =

a funny take on a meow-valous wedding couple!


These 5 projects are just a small representation of the wondrously fantastic creations to celebrate events and the people we love!

<3 **  <3 ** <3

Thanks to these brilliantly creative artisans for supporting HQCOLCB!


DT Call:
if interested in this monthly challenge blog's new design team for 2024, please send owner Becca Sadler an inquiry email message =



Use this Mister Widget tool to attach your project photo/blog link, please.

Cupid's Picks for bragging rights will be available and the number of picks will vary depending on the total submissions. The EWA themes' entries will be evaluated for a "Best of" and those submitting the option theme will be eligible for a "Best of Pick" too! Then Cupid's Top 3 Picks will be selected from the at-large submissions.

Each participant can enter up to 5 projects per month. Remember July's #7 competition is open to just EWA projects or the option of Graduation/grade promotion celebration.  EWA is Becca's code for Engagements, Weddings, and Anniversaries. 

Deadline is the last day of July-- July 31, 2024 at 12am central time Chicago.



  1. Thanks for choosing my card.
    Congrats to the other winners.
    Hugs, Nicolette

  2. Awesome creations everyone! Thanks so much for choosing my project as BEST OPTION! Greatly appreciated! I have my badge proudly displayed on my blog!

    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper

  3. Merci de nous offrir ce nouveau défi.
    Félicitations à la DT pour son inspiration.
    Thank you for offering us this new challenge.
    Congratulations to the DT for their inspiration.
