Thursday, February 29, 2024

HQCOLCB #2 February 2024 Bragging Rights Announcement

  Heartfelt Wishes Bragging Rights Notice #2

for Heart's Quest Celebrations of Love Challenges

on February 29, 2024

#2 started on February 2 and ended on February 29, 2024.


Monthly themes are alwaysEngagements, Weddings, and Anniversaries

February's optional celebration theme was 'Valentine's Day'.

Let's start celebrating these 5 artisans and their entered project numbers: #17 Aimeslee, #6 Pam D, #9 Deanne, #10 Melanie H, and #23 Roberta S!!!!!


Cupid's Pick of Best E.W.A. Project is #17 by Aimeslee !


(your bragging right badge)

Entry #17 by Aimeslee  =


Cupid's Pick of Best February 2024 Theme Option (Valentine's Day) Project was made by ! 


(your bragging right badge)

Entry # 6 by Pam Duncan  =


Cupid's Picks of Top 3 

Congratulations go to these wonderful artisans: !!

(badge for copying/pasting to recognizer's blogs)

entry #9 by Deanne = anniversary card


entry #10 by Melanie H = wedding card


entry #23 by Roberta S = love/Valentine  

 -- <3 -- <3 -- <3 -- <3 -- <3 --


Gratefully blessed with these participants sharing their creative talents with the second competition at 

Heart's Quest Celebrations of Love Challenges blog!



Competition #3 will start early on March 2, 2024

with monthly EWA theme and the March celebration option theme of St. Patrick's Day!!!


With heartfelt wishes,

--owner/DT Becca S



  1. Awesome creations everyone! Thanks so much for choosing my card as TOP 3! Greatly appreciated! I have my badge proudly displayed on my blog!

    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper

    1. Thanks for supporting the Quest family of challenge blogs for DT, GDT, and/or participant!!!

  2. Thank you for selecting my Lili of the Valley card as you Theme winner. Congratulations to all the winners!

  3. Wow! Congratulations everyone! I'm so flattered that I was chosen as one of the TOP 3. I have added the badge proudly as well onto my blog. Thank you so much again!


HQCOLCB #9.5 main theme of BEWAS and/or optional Harvest or Halloween REMINDER on 15 Sept 2024

   Heartfelt Wishes Reminder #9.5 for Heart's Quest Celebrations of Love Challenges on September 15, 2024 #9 started on September 2 and ...