Monday, January 15, 2024

HQCOLCB #1.5 Midway Post Reminder for 15 Jan 2024

 Heartfelt Wishes Reminder #1.5

for Heart's Quest Celebrations of Love Challenges

January 15, 2024

#1 started on January 2 and will end on January 31, 2024.


Monthly themes are always: Engagements, Weddings, and Anniversaries

January's optional celebration theme is 'new pet'.

more design inspiration: humorous engagement


option celebratory event of 'new pet':

I've chosen to do small greeting cards however accepted formats vary to gift tags, gift card/money holders, and TNs/journals/scrapbook pages or spreads. 


Link to travel back in time to #1 published on January 2=


DT Call

if interested in creating 1-2 projects per month (EWA theme and/or option theme), responding to a portion of comments, posting your project on your personal blog and social media accounts/group, and possibly rotating turns for selecting bragging rights then send an email of interest to owner Becca S =



HQCOLCB owner Becca Sadler

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